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We still have 8 ft + Nordmann Firs
in the fields and pre-cut Grand Fir available. We might be open Dec. 21st from 9.30 am to noon. Phone for openign hours.

At Armstrong Creek Farm, we currently grow 5 varieties of Christmas trees. All Trees are hand pruned for shape and appeal and are carefully grown to perfection.

Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri)
The Fraser Fir originates from the Southern Appalachian Mountains. It grows in a uniformly pyramid shape to a height of 24 meters. Needles are flat, 12-25 mm long, dark green and with two broad sliver bands on the lower surface. A pleasant scent, colour and strong branches that are evenly spaced make this one of the most popular Christmas trees. We have natural grown and sheared trees.
Nordmann Fir (Abies nordmanniana)
The Nordmann Fir is relatively new to the Canadian Christmas Tree market. It is native to the mountains south and east of the Black Sea, Turkey and the Russian Caucasus. The Nordmann Fir grows very symmetrical and graceful. In nature it can grow to 85 meters tall. Needles are 18 – 35 mm long, soft and delicate to touch, dark glossy above with two white lines below. The Nordmann Fir shares the top place as the non needle drop Christmas tree. We have cultured and natural grown trees

Grand Fir (Abies grandis)
Grand Fir (Abies grandis)
Grand Firs grows from northern California to British Columbia. In the wild it can grow to heights of 90 meters, easily distinguished by its sprays of lustrous needles in two distinct rows. The Grand Fir makes a fine Christmas tree with its 25 to 38 mm long needles, glossy dark green surface and two white lines on the underside. It is a beautiful, thick foliaged tree and is known for its strong fragrance. Very good needle retention. All our Grand Firs are cultured/shaped.
Noble Fir (Abies procera)
Nobles are native to the Siskiyou Mountains in northern California to the Cascade ranges of Oregon and Washington. In the wild the tress grow beautifully symmetrical to over 61 meters in height. The Noble Fir is an excellent Christmas tree because of its beauty, stiff branches and long keepability. The needles are four sided, over 25 mm long, bluish-green but often appearing silver due to 2 white rows on the underside and 1-2 rows on the upper surface. The Noble Fir has the best needle retention. On our farm you can find sheared and natural grown Noble Firs.

Norway Spruce (Picea abies)
The Norway Spruce is native to Europe, from Scandinavia to the Balkans. It is the most important Christmas tree in Europe. The Norway Spruce grows in a triangular shape and can reach heights of 66 meters. Needles are mid to dark green, 12-25 mm long, four sided and sharp. Needle retention is only good, when the tree is cut fresh and kept properly watered. Our Norway Spruce trees are not cultured.