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We still have 8 ft + Nordmann Firs
in the fields and pre-cut Grand Fir available. We might be open Dec. 21st from 9.30 am to noon. Phone for openign hours.
Welcome back to Armstrong Creek Christmas Tree Farm in 2021
We will again try our best to offer a safe environment during your visit to Armstrong Creek Farm. However, we ask for your tolerance, patience, co-operation and foremost your understanding to make your annual search for that perfect Christmas Tree a fun and safe experience for all of us.
Like so many other businesses, we will apply the necessary safety precautions at our farm in order to protect us and you, our friends and patrons.
This year will be no complimentary refreshments, and no seating around the bonfire.
We will implement a “one-way” traffic from the gate, through the yard and into the fields. From the fields there will be a “one-way” exit, passed the pay station and back to the parking lot. We kindly ask you to move well and efficiently through our farm and fields.
We will offer hand saws as usual, that will be sanitized after each use but we encourage you to bring your own this year. (Gas powered chain saws are not permitted)
Social distancing of 2 meters as per the provincial guidelines should be maintained at all times in our yard and in the fields.
Wearing a mask is not mandatory this year but we strongly encourage you to do so. We ask that all respect the social/safety bubbles of others. (we provide no masks)
We will take the liberty to limit the number of people entering our property at any time in order to ensure the safety of everyone.
Please do not visit our farm if you or a family member is feeling unwell, has a fever, chill, cough or flue like symptoms or has had contact in the past 14 days with somebody who has or has had COVID19.